Resumption of radio contact between North Korea and South Korea


It was 9 am local time as the South Korean Navy contacted a North Korean patrol boat via an international radio channel. The patrol boat responded immediately to the call. According to the defense, it was the first time in more than a decade that countries were establishing maritime radio contact, writes Reuters.

The communication is considered a continuation of the agreement reached between the countries in April this year when it was decided to gradually reduce military tensions. The historic meeting between the two leaders Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In took place on the border between the two countries and spoke of peace and reconciliation.

It was the first time since the Korean War between 1950 and 1953. Northern leaders set foot in the South

Read more: Kim Jong-Un made historic step in Korea South

Earlier this year, also opened the "hotline" after two years of closure. Communication resumed after South Korea invited high-level talks to discuss North Korean participation at the South Korea Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in February

February 2016, when Korea South closed a joint industrial area in Kaesong, North Korea, in response to the fourth nuclear dictatorship.

Kim Jong-Un also opened for peace and nuclear disarmament in an agreement with US President Donald Trump. At the same time, on Saturday, reports that North Korea has increased its production of enriched uranium, the fuel of nuclear weapons.

Torbjörn Petersson: The signed document is extinguished.

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