Review: Bergman – One Year, One Life (Movie)


During this summer SVT showed at least one Ingmar Bergman film this week. In "Bergman om …", the director himself publishes the text of his films for journalist Marie Nyreröd. In "The Bergman Video", the world's greatest film directors reverently recognize the influence and importance of Bergman for them. Sten Ljunggren reads "Laterna magica" in Swedish radio and in "Bergmanpodden" Gunnar Bolin speaks with different cultural personalities of Bergman's films. In the theaters of the country, Bergman plays or will be played.

Yes, this summer you can swim in Bergman. But also the man is like an ocean. How someone could accomplish so much in one life can not be understood. It is this marvel that inspired filmmaker and writer Jane Magnusson to documentary "Bergman – a Year, a Life", which will be the first one the day before Ingmar Bergman was to turn 100 years old. She has already taken a swim at Bergman in "Trespassing Bergman" and "Bergman's video" and dared to run with him in the animated short film "Fettknölen" with Liv Strømquist

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