Review – Retro meets the future at Octopath Traveler


Octopath Traveler is a kind of JRPG cliché that you can imagine but at the same time something unique and personal. There are tired traditions and courageous risks taken in one and the same package. Nothing embodies it as visual. Octopath has fairly simple sprites and the fairytale world is built with rather crude polygons. Connoisseurs of SNES and Playstation will feel at home.

"As if a role-playing game of the SNES suddenly began to sweep, shine and shine"

At the same time, the 90s were filled with contemporary effects; the waves shining at sunset; effects for light and shade; sharp foreground and fuzzy periphery. It is almost impossible to put words on its beauty. It's as if a SNES role-playing game is starting to sweep, crack and shine. It goes without saying that the world is like a saga of snow-covered cathedrals, forests, mountains and vast deserts. Plus: The most beautiful soundtrack in Square Enix for years.

Also: The tournaments are so ridiculously easy to appreciate. They do not worry about it unnecessarily. You can throw yourself on the enemy with swords, spears, fire storms and sacred magic. Some on the whole are more offensive while others have more support roles and can reinforce or lower the enemy.

What is "HD-2D"? This is HD-2D

The fight is easy to shark but hides an unexpected tactical depth.

The game has eight different pitches and you can play them all in the same round.

Breaking the enemy's protection is important key in the fights.

It is noted that the Bravely Default is located behind Octopath . Enemies have different degrees of protection that you can flex by attacking their weaknesses. In addition, you collect points for each round that you can release in attacks with pimp (1) either break the shield faster or (2) cause great damage when the enemy is "broken". However, when you drop a stage, a round is expected without counting the score. This is not nuclear physics, but still so intriguing that every battle requires a lot more attention than just pressing the A button multiple times.

Beyond the battles, it is also the work of JRPG as usual. You crash in the cities, in caves with treasure chests (the unique "2D-3D" game makes the prospect important when looking for hemlisar) and around the cities. Octopath has no main character without eight pieces. You can choose who you want to start with, but during the same game you can also experience the eight stories.

"This is a collection of news but not a novel"

I have chosen Cyrus, a scholar who works in the largest university in the world and whose keen intelligence makes him see the weaknesses of the enemy. Here is also Sr. Ophilia (the other whom I met) who is on pilgrimage, and the merchant girl Tressa (who was the last of the eight people I met) whose sole purpose is to discover the world. Olberic is a rather stereotypical knight while the story of the primrose sex worker suddenly has a lot of shit under the fingernails.

The professions shine through the battles. For example, pharmacist Alfyn can mix ingredients to help you and steal your resistance while the thief Therion can, of course, steal the enemy. Even beyond battles, there are abilities that are particularly useful in simple secondary races. The hunter H & # 39; aanit can cause conflict while the most noble Olberic defies the duel. The same problem can have different solutions. When I find an innocent prisoner convicted, I can find a witness who cleans him, but I can also steal the key from the cell to a guard. The strong set of eight men is a strength – but unexpectedly also the stumbling block of the game.

Octopath Traveler is eight stories of eight individuals, but not a story on a group. It's a collection of short stories but not a novel. It could have been a force, and to a certain extent. He feels like a cool fan to save forever eight people rather than a whole world.

There are eight different "path" abilities. Olberic can, for example, offer duels.

The history of murder and prostitution of Primrose is surprisingly crude

To eliminate the weaknesses of the enemy should be the first.

Tressa is naive and a good joke.

The hole in the credibility of seeing these eight threatened together, traveling around the world, fighting side by side and treating each other simultaneously like air. Whenever a new chapter deals, hundreds of percentages focus on the individual. The others are thrown into dialogues and scenes but are also pissed off when there are bosses and transport sections.

You have to swallow that but then Octopath has such incredible powers – HD-2D: n, magical soundtrack, chorus of turmoil – is this something I have to tell. I see history as an anthology, and that Cyrus, Primrose, Hainan and the others get to travel and fight together, I force myself to accept. It will be worth it.

Footnote: Octopath Traveler now comes out exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

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