Review: Vampire – Läcköoperan | SvD


D It is hard to imagine a more ideal playground for a ghost story than the castle courtyard of Läckö, which grows at the top of a windy rock on Lake Vänern . At dusk, the ghostly atmosphere gets closer: tonight, reinforced by black shadows and a vampire with long pointed nails that lick their mouths.

Läcköoperan continues his admirable tradition of playing unusual works, and this year we found the optimal for a castle with medieval anor. Heinrich Marschner's opera "The Vampire" is almost 200 years old – no age for a vampire. It was premiered in 1828 and is based on a novel by John Polidori, who was Lord Byron's doctor. When the novel was new, the rumor claimed that the Lord himself would have written it, which he and Polidori firmly rejected. But that does not stop you from assigning the Lord's Dragon to the main character of the opera: the unjust and vain vampire Lord Ruthven. The most active opera is Don Giovanni, whose insistence echoes in certain scenes of seduction.

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