Rhinoceros died when it was moved between zoos


1 of 4 | Photo: TONY KARUMBA / AFP

A submerged rhinoceros that was to be moved on June 26th.

Eight Endangered Black Rhinoceros Died

Rhino died after being moved between two different national parks in Kenya.

Eight rhinos were rhino species, or black rhinoceros. The species is endangered.

It was in June that rhinos were moved between Lake Nakuru and Tsavo East National Parks. The parks are located hundreds of kilometers from each other and a total of 14 rhinos have been moved

On Friday, Kenyan authorities announced that eight rhinos were dead

"Fear thoughts "

– Disciplinary action will be taken An investigation into the deaths shows that the staff was negligent, writes the state conservation authority in the country according to AP.

– Moving rhinos is complicated, as moving bills of gold, it requires extremely careful planning and safety given the preciousness of these rare animals is. The movement of rhinoceros also has a major impact on animal welfare and I am afraid to think about the suffering that these poor animals endured before they died, "said Paula Kahumbu, president of WildlifeDirect, who works on the conservation of wild animals. danger in Africa. 98%

According to Kenya's nature conservation organization, a preliminary investigation has shown that the rhino died from salt poisoning in the new park, where salinity is much higher [19659012]. The 1900s were very dependent on Europeans who settled in the country and hunted rhinos. Between 1960 and 1995, the number of black rhinos decreased by 98%, writes AP.

Kenyan authorities have announced that rhinos that have survived the move will be closely monitored and that no rhinos will be moved, writes AP

the animals are in danger of extinction? 00:37

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