Robyn is famous around the world for her new album "Honey"


In The Guardian, "Honey" gets the best rating, five stars, and the album is described as the perfection of pop: "It is doubtful that the album has finally the same influence on the top 40 as that of its release Previous – it seems almost too dark and turned in. Anyway, 'Honey' is perfect to prove that she is a unique artist looking for a personal vision in a world of vanities, "writes the newspaper critic.

The perception that Robyn become more personal found in many of the evaluations. The UK music magazine NME, which awards the album's second best score, writes that "the artist's hurry has been replaced by a vague sense of personal loss" and believes that Robyn continues to create vivid and magical tones. . Rolling Stone also uses this word with magic and writes that the artist has the ability to make his songs feel "vulnerable, melancholy, lonely and despicable" before breaking the happiness of the dance floor.

The artist himself had previously described his new sound image as a "sweet ecstasy", which The Atlantic's magazine writes in his review: "The world is being put to the point, but the payment is sweeter than euphoria, "they write, meaning that Robyn has managed to change well. The musical site Pitchfork writes that listeners should not expect a new album similar to the "Body Talk" series, but rather a work that creates a new conviction: "Slowly, she reveals her mastery of the feelings of the dancefloor on another captivating album. " The site's rating is eight and a half years on a ten-year scale.

Today's record: Robyn is at the peak of her creativity on the new album "Honey"

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