Rock against cancer drew large crowds


Even when the first Tea Voices group hit the first chord, there were a lot of spectators and it went on until late into the night. The last group was Stockholm's Superposer Wannabe, who, like all artists, offered a good deal. Börje Bappelsin showed off with his humorous program with a variety of clothing changes, and after him came Errols Angels who cheered Eddie Meduza, but kept it to the repertoire "on the belt."

Rockin 'Boys was one of the twenty groups that played at the festival and Turned Well
Photo: Viron Media

The audience could also listen to blues with Mojos, the club and Moa Blucher , Rockabilly with Rockin 'Boys, Mile, Rexoria and The Wires Hard Rock

-Medley and the audience of the dance group received their Mariestad sound. Two Gothenburg groups have built a great admirer in Hjo since they've come here a few times. This is The Bertils with his Beatles music and Sea Blue Band that still fills the dance floor

He was also invited to rock music with a Christian message from The Gentlemen of Tidaholm and Pugs Choir of the same city ​​played by Janis Joplin

From Mullsjö kom Another popular group called A Full House and Skövde came the season of autumn. In the festival area there was all that we usually find on a festival, except the beer tents.

– It's a festival for the whole family, so we dropped that part, telling the association of organizers Siewert Anderson

public and he was often at full speed on the dance floor .
Photo: Viron Media

– Here are several restaurants, but no alcohol and it worked well. We have never had a single noise during these five years

The children had their own role in the park with jumping castle, children's lottery, very popular facial painting and fish pond.

collectibles, eaten, drunk and traded in different stands. All the surplus goes next to the Western Children's Cancer Foundation and all those who worked during the festival did so without compensation.

Three organizations were involved and they did a lot of work. It was the Hjo Lions Club, the Hjo Rotary Club and the Hjo-Grönköping Round Table

without them we did not manage this arrangement, John Jarstål, who was running the mixer, had had his two sons and Robert Baráth

Håkan Forsberg is treasurer of the Rock and Cancer Association and he tells me that this year's collection will beat all previous records.

Last year, the net retention was 435,000 and it has already passed. However, all the money has not yet been reported and Swish still has contributions, so we have no final result yet, but it does not seem impossible to reach more. Half a million.

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