Rohani: The war with Iran becomes "the mother of all wars"


The trumpet administration does not hesitate with its ambitions – to squeeze and squeeze the Iranian economy in the most difficult way possible. The strategy includes new, tougher penalties. But at the weekend, reports also revealed that the United States launched a campaign that blackmailed Iran's rulers, writes Reuters News Agency

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"Do not play with the tail of the lion"

In May this year, the United States resigned from the 2015 nuclear agreement. Heavy Sanctions [19659002] aims to prevent the Iran's nuclear weapons development and push the country not to support the militant groups. And sanctions can also hit other countries that risk high fines when they trade with Iran.

In a televised speech Sunday, Iranian President Hassan Rohani spoke directly to Donald Trump.

– First, explain the war, and then you talk about wanting to support the Iranian people. You can not revive the Iranian people against their own security and interests, "he said in the speech

and continues with the Persian equivalent of the phrase" playing with fire "

– Do not play with the tail of the lion Rohani says: "The whole mother of war"

After nearly 40 years of rivalry, Rohani does not exclude peace with the United States, writes Reuters

– Peace with Iran is all peace and war with Iran would be the mother of war, says Hassan Rohani.

Iran sued states To the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) and calls on the United States to suspend sanctions Iran argues that they are violating a bilateral agreement reached by the two countries in 1995. [19659009] When Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, the Iranian question was discussed, Trump then said that he Iran will call at any time .

– So maybe we can come to a new agreement, or not, said Donald Trump.

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