Rönnbäck: Questions after the Ghoddo World Cup | Gothenburg after


Vladimir Putin was quick with to associate with the success of his Russian national team at the World Cup. Chechnya President Ramzan Kadyrov and Liverpool star Mohamed Salah and the Russian propagandist of the championship highlighted the importance of world football for authoritarian rulers

. Already in the draw of group games of the tournament, attention was drawn to the way women are represented in Iran. This fear that the show would be censored if the clothing of the program manager Maria Komadnaja was not considered to hold the measure. The black dress of the Russian programmer has met the criteria and the crisis has escaped. However, the discussion was a first reflection on how a football world cup can only be sport.

Now the World Championship is over for this time. The next time the tournament is played in the Qatar dictatorship. In anticipation of the new season of the big league, players will now start to change team. Here at home, however, men's football has returned to their daily lives.

During the championship there were all the Swedish elements in the law of Iceland and Costa Rica, among the Swedish reserves – and in Iran. As the first Swedish athlete, the former Swedish national team Saman Ghoddos came to represent a national team other than Sweden in a World Cup tournament. Ghoddos' career is in many ways a story of sunshine. He went from Division 1 players without a contract to World Cup players in four years. For his team Östersund FK, he won the Swedish Cup and won in the Europa League.

National team players like Irans are described alternately as builders of bridges and propaganda instruments. The team is important even in the Diaspora of the country and after the World Championships, there is a hope that women can be released in matches in Iran in the future. At the same time, similar forecasts were made before the World Cup, without being infused

Ghoddos national election for oil tanker when the former striker of the Swedish national team U21 Henok Goitom chose to play for Eritrea. Like Ghoddos, Goitom is a popular, socially engaged and skilled football player. The choice of national elections of both players has been defended by the fact that they play to represent and maintain the respective nations of the countries, not for any government. Nevertheless, the two football players share the best state of the state to show the world's national unity. In both cases, the participation was made possible by some sort of crowd funding action.

Ghoddos and Goitom will not be the last Swedish athletes with several national teams to choose from. With the World Cup, there is an excellent opportunity for the community debate to look for answers to the problems that the phenomenon arouses. The Swedish media should investigate the positive reporting around the Iranian national team. Yet, the balance between the sporting and critical revision of the regime could have been different.

And how does the game of the Iranian national team compete with FK Östersund, which is strongly values-driven? Saman Ghoddos himself seems to sell the club shortly. Should the club relate to the championship allowance and the value increase after the championship for any income?

And what can the Swedish sport do so that its followers are not associated with authoritarian states? The sports movement has long taken its legitimacy from the role of a democratic society. Rhetoric has survived club elections, as the arrival of former blue winger Marcus Berg in the United Arab Emirates and Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the Paris Saint-Germain held by Qatar. In this respect, the vision of sport should be similar to that of the business community in similar environments.

However, players moving from the environment of the Swedish national team to national teams associated with authoritarian states should raise further discussions. The World Cup in Russia once again clarified that the match of the national team in addition to the sports team is a public relations activity funded by the state. The way sports people relate to this should not be forgotten in everyday football.

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