Rosenberg ready after the rest: "Has a stronger offensive"


In the midst of Malmö FF's panic, Markus Rosenberg was two straight games without playing a single minute

Returning to the home against FC Drita, Uwe Rösler chose to save his key player [19659003]. Sunday night, Rosenberg scored an away win against Örebro

But he is back against Cluj

Was the rest helpful?

– It is clear that

In comparison with the previous qualifying match in the Champions League against FC Drita, a lot of things happened in the team.

Anders Christiansen, Marcus Antonsson and Romain Gall give MFF many more offensive options.

Do you have a stronger offensive now than before the summer?

– Yes, of course. We have three new players and just lost Alex (Jeremejeff). We have a strong team, a team needed to deal with both Sweden and Europe. I am terrified by the requests.

READ MORE: Jonsson: The Rösler FFM Revolution May Wait

READ MORE: Christiansen: "It's harder and more cynical "

READ MORE: Rosenberg:" Has a stronger offensive now "

" Will press everyone "

Rösler has already congratulated you and Antonsson on to have found you. At the same time, Carlos Strandberg found the target form. How do you look at the attack competition now?

– There are probably three good players who will play a lot. It will be a competitive situation that will be good and that will make us push each other. At the same time we have so many games in front of us that all three will be needed

"Knowing what is a destiny"

The stronger offensive becomes more important for Cluj where every goal can be crucial in the end.

– We even know how much a destiny means. But the most important thing is that the game itself works and that the result is good to go home.

What is important to consider when we start?

– It is clear that you can play the result in a completely different way and then we will end up at home with public support when everything is settled. This is true for all teams, but especially for us who have had the experience of all other years when we have done well and we have been able to decide at home.

READ MORE: MFF Plan Against Cluj

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] READ MORE: here is the law that the FFM may meet in the next round

READ MORE: Message from Cluj to the CFP after the European Prison

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