Rosengård-Piteå: Today, Faith Ikidi can win the SM Gold


Piteå wins SM gold if they beat Rosengård


Injuries, illness and financial problems. When Faith Ikidi wrote the message in January, she seemed naive.

Now that Piteå can win the SM Gold, the middle of the back seems to be psychic.

"Nobody believed us, but I knew it would be like that," she says.

At the beginning of 2018, the sun was rising five hours a day in Piteå. He missed a quarter of a million to the big team, the successor Elin Bragnum broke his arm and the defensive giant Faith Ikidi broke his arm. Coach Stellan Carlsson temporarily suspended his mission due to illness in the family. Soon Madelen Janogy (surgery) and Josefin Johansson (pregnant) would also be on the list of absences.

Two years in a row, they had come four.

Now the darkness was compact.

The message: "It's our year"

But Faith Ikidi did not think so. With his arm healthy, the middle back has sent a text message to his coach Stellan. "Please do not see this as bad luck, we will get through the situation, sometimes the beginning is difficult but the end is better".

The Nigerian who thrives so well in Norrbotten that she became a Swedish citizen with "this is our year".

Nine months later, Faith Ikidi is in Malmö. It's the eve of the league match of his life, the win against Rosengård and Piteå grabbing the gold medal of the SM with a left turn. A couple of new sponsors and canceled expenses already announce a profit of more than 400 000 $.

31 years old laughs.

– Sometimes when I talk, people say yoooh! They think I take everything easy and that I'm too positive, she says.

Did you expect that in January?

– Yes

Finish with Växjö at home

This can not be true.

– yes I still wish my new year will be better than the previous ones. When they did not believe us during the shooting session, when no one even wanted to talk to our coach, it was perfect for us. I am grateful that we can show them.

So you did not just believe in a better investment, but in gold?

– yes Do not judge the book on its cover. Many judged us from the outside, but I knew what we could do.

Piteå has never hit Rosengård in a competitive match. If they lose, they lose the line of the series unlike goals. In cross, three points will be separated before Saturday's final, where Rosengård will meet Göteborg (who can still win the gold medal) and Piteå at Växjö at home.

What faith does Ikidi believe?

You have already guessed the answer.

– We win.

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