Rosengård won – he is now waiting for the end of the race


Rosengård needed to win the final of the series against Piteå to grab the gold medal of the series. They have a little help on the slopes.

Veteran June Pedersen missed a pass at home and served Anja Mittag to score the crucial goal 1-0.

Now, a riot awaits Saturday where three teams can win the SM Gold Medal.

"I stumbled upon an attacker," said Mittag about his goal.

Rosengård counts three points ahead of Piteå. Given that Skånskorna has finished against the best team in Gothenburg, it seems that there is a win against Just Piteå to have a good chance of winning the SM's gold.

Loss and Piteå get the title tonight.

For the moment, Rosengårds has opened in force on Malmö IP. Sanne Troelsgaard burned an open position after eight minutes of play. Anja Mittag shot the ball after a quarter.

Sold the ball easily

When the zero worked, it was after an error. Piteå goaltender Cajsa Andersson joined Norway's June Pedersen, who would only hit the ball. But the pass at home becoming too loose, Anja Mittag stood between the two.

The Damallsvenskan shooter fired to the left. The bowl was placed on the right.

"I just succeed as an attacker who finishes and finishes my race, and I'm lucky that she's going back so that I can only hit the ball," said Mittag after the match.

What happens in your mind when you notice that you are going to catch the ball?
"Then I became happy, but I have to say it too.It is so typical.My first two opportunities are missing and I have such luck.

Piteå is traditionally a strong autumn team. They tend to be better in others than in the first half. The physical force was finally recalled to Rosengård. During the last half hour, they pressed the guests dressed in black. Inbytta Jocelynn Blankenship was close, Julia Karlernäs even closer.

Three teams can win gold

But 1-0 is up, which places Rosengård at the top of the series before the end.

"It was a very, very exciting match, but we struggled throughout the match and … it's damn good," said Mittag.

Three teams can still win the gold medal on Saturday:

Rosengård if they beat Gothenburg – or go through while Piteå does not beat Växjö.

Piteås they beat Växjö and Rosengård lose points.

Gothenburg if they beat Rosengård – and Piteå lose points.

loading Summary of the match

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