Rösler's MFF revolution can wait – Now the result applies


Weather forecast about rain and thunder when Malmö FF exhausts at Stadionul Dr. Constantin Rădulescu tonight.

On the other side, we find the four-time champion of Romania CFR Cluj. A club that has participated in the Champions League group has played three times in the last ten years but has also been suspended from all European matches from the end of 2014 until this summer after the millions of CL have disappeared.

Manchester United, Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Rome were able to beat their expected points.

But he was then.

Now it's

True, there are some old CL heroes left in the starting line of Cluj. Mittbacken Andrei Muresan and team captain Mario Camora were in favor of United 2012 and Argentina's Juan Emmanuel Culio made Cluj both goals in the 2-1 win over Rome in 2008.

Camora also decided that Back to Cluj ", but that has happened a lot in Cluj since.

This summer, coach Dan Petrescu has was attracted to China with a salary of Jose Mourinho

The new coach Edward Iordanescu retained most of the championship teams of last year.It is said that all is not well in the locker room.

The Super Cup final won 1-0 after a late penalty.The league championship was completed 1-1 Friday.The Cluj Image of Today is a team that does little goals but also releases very little.

A routine team but also old age at the # Except for Grand Man Christian Manea, 20, on the back.

But the PFC Can Cousin Culio, goalkeeper Mittici Vinicius and cricket striker Ciprian Deac, George Tucadean and Billel Omrani will be very rewarded.

READ MORE: MFF Plan Against Cluj

READ MORE: The Break: The MFF Star Misses CL

] READ MORE: here is the law that the FFM can meet in the next round

READ MORE: Message from Cluj to the FFM after the European Punishment

Malmö FF has played until now five games under the direction of Uwe Rösler On the results (four wins, one cross), Rösler has gained structure and greater stability in his team.

The defensive game is even better, only two goals scored up here and both in fixed situations

it also has more options with new acquisitions Anders Christiansen, Marcus Antonsson and Romain Gallen.

However, Rösler and MFF are now facing their biggest challenge so far this summer and much of the outcome will depend on how to handle the following: 19659002] # Game cynicism in Europe

# The physical pressure that was Örebromatchen

# How to replace Fouad Bachirou.

Anders Christiansen is another type of player, but the logical choice replaces Bachirou when Arnor Traustason and Sören Rieks are better.

Just "AC" has 90 minutes in his body against Örebro and is a key player when he regained form. However, the plan in Örebro seemed to suck the rally of several players and with only three days between matches, MFF managed to recover in 90 minutes supposedly difficult against Cluj.

At the same time, all in this meeting is to get better possible starting point for the return to next Wednesday's stadium where the PSC has deployed major hurdles in the context of the Champions League.

A target would probably mean a lot.

Until last Friday, Uwe Rösler, coach of the MFF, was telling how he ideally wanted his team to play football

3-4-3 with a game of. Liverpool inspired assault where the attacking front line changes position with

At the same time, Rösler acknowledged that time was not yet available to practice it

This is a Exciting thought, but this time, idealism will be back for … Well, cynicism

The MFF failed in 1-0 against Vardar last year

As long as the result is good, it does not have to be neat.

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