Runar Sögaard police report by journalists


It was just before the elections that singer Runar Sögaard met with SD leader, Jimmie Åkesson, during a conversation in the Elmia concert hall in Jönköping, a conversation that had a major media impact.

Jönköpings Posten noted the meeting in several articles. The newspaper wrote about the current meeting, but also about the fact that there were uncertainties as to who would pay the rent for the concert hall. A follow-up article was written when it was found that the rent payment had not gone in and another when Sögaard paid.

"" Honest and honest journalism with a high public interest. No wonder, "writes Jönköpings Posten in a newspaper debate article, signed by five directors of the Hall Media group, which publishes the newspaper.

Described as a liar

However, the articles that were written did not fall well between Runar Sögaard and some of his supporters on social media. There, the Jönköpings Post was strongly criticized, especially the journalist who wrote the articles.

"After the account of the visit to Jönköping, Sögaard published an article on his Facebook page in which he describes his situation and describes the Jönköpings Posten journalist as lying, and also publishes a photo of the journalist extracted from the newspaper. , writes the boss.

The post, they say, has been shared hundreds of times, and Sögaard "fails to conceal his views on the journalist's appearance, questioning his skills or threatening his future physical health" .

It's a player that's going on, "said Media Hall.

"This is totally unacceptable," said today Marie Johansson Flyckt, responsible editor at Hall Media.

Hall Press Reports

At present, Hall Media has chosen to collaborate with the journalist, policeman Sögaard.

"No matter who the reporter is, we want to show that we are behind this notification, everyone," said Marie Johansson Flyckt.

Sögaard is reported to have illegally threatened the current journalist, as well as for the Hall Media image theft (copyright infringement). The police put the notifications together at a fall.

– It is our policy to report threats. We discussed for a moment the way forward, but we decided to report a month ago, "said Marie Johansson Flyckt.

She says that the newspaper had already tried to contact Runar Sögaard to have him suppress publications, but that he had never received a reply from the minister. Sögaard has not reacted either.

Coarse ton

The managers say in their article of debate that they are open to any comment on the journalism of the newspaper, but that it becomes impossible to conduct a constructive conversation: "it is the rudimentary tone of what is said, the presented content in order to respond seriously and objectively, as well as the underlying contempt that has already ruled out all the criticized arguments it could replicate, "they write.

The article makes comparisons with other countries where journalists are exposed to impulses and the important democratic process is thus threatened. Officials say "the whistle and suspicion of the media" is "a global movement with strong winds".

Runar Sögaard says until the day he discovered that a police report had been made.

"But I have not even got into that yet." It's about commenting in the comment field, but I have to look at it.

He says that he will come back later in the day with a more detailed comment, but he has not come back to the day yet.

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