Russia on Trump's INF message: "Extortion"


If the US withdraws from INF, Russia has no choice but to respond, inter alia, with "military" measures. This was the message of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov after Trumps declaration of termination of the agreement, according to Russian media.

The agreement, concluded by the United States and the Soviet Union at the time in 1987, is based on the elimination of all medium-sized robots whose range is between 500 and 5,500 km. However, the two sides accuse each other of breaking the deal, which Trump says is why the United States intends to leave.

Denies the US accusations

Rjabkov rejects US accusations of violation of the agreement by Russia, and instead stresses that Trump's intention is to reinforce US world military dominance.

"At first glance, I can say that the INF clearly creates problems in the quest for complete US military dominance," he said. Tass Press Agency.

"A dangerous step"

The Russian Deputy Minister also said that an American-type agreement "would be a very dangerous step", and he accused Trump of trying to exploit the agreement to put pressure on the Kremlin.

"We condemn the constant attempts to obtain concessions from Russia through extortion, in addition to the important issues for international security in the nuclear field," he said.

Waiting for Bolton's message

But Russia's exact reaction is unclear and Rjabkov said he hoped Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, would explain the US intentions during his ongoing visit to Moscow.

When Trump announced its intention to leave INF at the same time, he did not rule out a renegotiated new deal, of any type, including China.

Rjabkov's criticism of the US statement was shared by other Russian politicians, including Konstantin Kosatev, chairman of the Senate foreign affairs committee, and Maria Maria Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Zacharova.

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