Russian media: Putin wins the summit – World


The general theme of the Russian media after the summit was that the cold war was over. "West's attempt to isolate Russia failed" was, for example, the title of the Rossiiskaja Gazeta state newspaper, reports Reuters.

The Russian news agency Ria Novosti quotes a political analyst who believes that Putin appears as the strongest of the two leaders.

The homage to Putin's appearance at the summit differs considerably from Washington's reactions where Trump is accused of not opposing Putin.

Putin based much of his image on the restoration of international status as Russia lost when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. It also rushed to the 39; former US President Barack Obama, who called Russia to a regional power

Meanwhile, many Russian media annoy the obsession of American journalism for the 2016 presidential election. For me, it seems that the only thing that interests a "Jegor Kolyvanov on the TV channel controlled by the NTV Kremlin."
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