Russian Nervous Novitjok was in a bottle of perfume


– I remember finding a bottle of perfume and giving it to my partner in a gift, says the 45-year-old Novitjok survivor

On July 1, 19459005, the staff of emergency was called at Amesbury near Salisbury. in Britain after a 44-year-old woman and her partner found unconscious.

According to the surviving man, his now deceased partner was spilling on his wrists in the belief that there was perfume in the bottle. After a quarter, she was seriously ill and wanted to lie in the tub, he said.

– I entered the bathroom and found it in the bathtub, completely dressed, in very bad condition.

Shortly thereafter, he was also poisoned and both were transported to Salisbury Hospital. Eight days later, the woman died in the hospital.

Read more: A British couple poisoned by Novitjok

Shortly after the poison about the poisoned couple, suspicions were expressed that they were exposed to the same nervous developed by the Soviets as Mars by poisoning Sergei Skripal, a 66-year-old Russian spy. Julia

Suspicions were directed against Russia, which has always denied any involvement in the case.

The man recently written from the hospital after surviving poisoning was in a coma for two weeks. In the interview with The Sun, he says that he believes that he survived only because he washed his hands after playing a nerve on them.

He was still medicated when he discovered that his partner was dead.

– I have lost so much. I am so sorry for what happened to him, it is terrible and shocking. I never think I'll put it back, he says to the sun.

Read more: How does the nerve affect the body

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