Russian speakers repeat their language


Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP / TT

US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the press conference after their meeting in Helsinki on Monday.

Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP / TT

"The Russians are not our friends," said Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader of the US Senate, in a brief statement after Trump's meeting with Putin on Monday.

US President Donald Trump meets the Congressmen tonight – amid criticism of the summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, despite the mornings, the Republicans do not even bite the hand of their leader, an expert traces. – Dag Blanck, Professor of North American Studies at the University of Uppsala, TT

Trump's partner had already seen his leaders wildly wander against friends at the meeting of l & # 39; NATO. preceded the coup with Putin.

However, against the Russian president he had no trouble saying. Their 90-minute project in one room lasted two hours – as they both described it.

And when the question of Russian involvement in the US presidential election came to the press conference, Trump seemed to have accepted Putin's denial. His mild tone was greeted by a campaign of condemnation at home, even from many Republicans

The Chorus Base Closes

But, says Dag Blanck, the heaviest parties have nevertheless avoided criticizing directly President. House spokesman Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell concluded yesterday that Russia was not a friend

– much of the Republican Congress was so calm. According to Dag Blanck, there are few who abandon the president directly.

Leading Republicans like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell received a lot of Trump that figured at the top of the list: significant tax cuts, deregulation. So they just accept such a thing.

Another reason why Trump's party continues to sit in the boat may be the important mid-year election in Congress this fall. As long as Trump continues to have strong support from his electoral base, it would be counterproductive to oppose him.

– His constituents have always been on his side. And there are rather surprising polls that indicate that the electoral base had a much more positive view of Russia and Putin last year.

"A Bad Day"

Other conservative estimates, which continue to be tough Russian critics, seem to be able to look between fingers on a single slope. "Mr. Trump had a bad day, it's just a bad day, compared to year after year of bad days" for the former political establishment, for example, the Washington Conservative Newspaper wrote in a comment.

Item on Trump's program after the return of the Europe Day is a meeting with members of Congress tonight. Probably the meeting with Putin will come true.

– There will certainly be criticisms against him. But Trump does not let go in the lead. He is the leader of the party and, until now, during his presidency, he got what he wanted, "said Dag Blanck

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