Russia's vision of the disarmament agreement is virtually divided


"We want John Bolton's explanation of why the United States wants to withdraw from the agreement, which can make the world more dangerous," said Russian President Dmitry Peskov's spokesman.

On Monday, US National Security Advisor John Bolton met in Moscow with Nikolaj Patrusev, President of the Russian Security Council. He also met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. During the meeting, Bolton learned that it was "hard" to drop the United States and that the Start agreement could endanger a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The latest agreement on nuclear disarmament is in its current form in 2021. According to this agreement, 1,550 reductions in nuclear war will take place on both sides.

At the same time, according to the BBC, Patrusev said that Russia is ready to cooperate with the United States and jointly solve the problems related to the agreement.

On Tuesday, John Bolton will meet President Vladimir Putin. The main topic of the discussions is the disarmament agreement of the FNI.

US President Donald Trump wants to clinch the deal. Russia initially condemned the United States for this move and asked for an explanation. Michail Gorbatjov, who signed the agreement with Ronald Reagan in 1987, said the US decision was a major setback.

– You must under no circumstances tear up disarmament agreements. It just can not be hard to understand why it's so unreasonable, "Gorbachev said, according to the Russian news agency Interfax.

When disarmament agreement INF was written under where the United States and the Soviet Union were the only countries in the world to own medium-sized robots. The agreement prohibits medium-sized robots with a range of 500 to 5,500 km. For Russia, the agreement has always been a much more concrete issue than for the United States because the United States has the Atlantic between them and the European continent and therefore are not affected by robots medium sized. The European countries of NATO, on the other hand, are close to Russia.

Very right, Russia protested against the American robot in Eastern Europe since the early 2000s. The United States in turn accuse Russia of violating the agreement when, on the basis of An authorized robot, she developed the 9M729 robot, whose range is greater than 500 kilometers. Russia denies these allegations.

A third factor is China, which is preparing to become a military superpower. Today, thirty-one years after the signing of the agreement, China has accumulated a large arsenal robot. China is not party to the agreement and has shown no interest in becoming one. This situation is a problem for both Russia and the United States.

But Russia has all the time said that you will not be the first to leave the deal. Aleksey Pushkov, head of the information desk of the Russian President's upper house, in front of John Bolton's trip to Moscow, makes the United States more vulnerable if it adheres to the decision to end the 39; agreement.

"With regard to nuclear weapons, it is impossible for the United States to gain world sovereignty – it is a dangerous illusion." Trump should think again, Twenty Pushkov.

President Vladimir Putin repeated last week the message he has always held in recent years: Russia will respond in case of attack.

"In our defense doctrine, there is no pre-emptive attack, but the one who attacks us will know that retribution is coming in. He will be liquidated. We, the victims of aggression, will arrive in paradise. The ones who are attacking us are going to die on the spot, they can not even regret it, "Putin told Valdaimot of Sochi last week.

Although Russian military leaders likely to welcome the deletion of the INF agreement, Russia is not sure of winning anything in the long run. The demolition agreement is one of the few common problems on which the United States and Russia have been able to come together since the end of the war. They have explicitly given the Kremlin the position they constantly demand in all international contexts: an equal partner whose interests must be respected.

A shootout with the United States is doomed to lose. The cold war was one of the reasons for the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.

INF dismantling convention

The agreement on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) came into force between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987. The countries pledged to scrape all medium-sized orthotropic robots from the United States. 39, a range of 500 to 500 km.

Already during Barack Obama, the United States accused Russia of breaking the agreement by relaunching robot robots of average size.

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