Sacha Baron Cohen, "Borat", cheated US politicians


In the new satirical documentary series "Who is America?", The British comedian explains a number of different roles to parody American politics and culture.

In the first episode, he presents himself as an Israeli anti-terrorist expert who presents a solution to the country's school changes for politicians and spokesmen, reports Reuters. Sacha Baron Cohen manages to ensure that two members of Congress express their support for the undead solution to arrest children up to the age of three with firearms. The weapons, called "gunimals", should be decorated with goose animals to become more children.

The two Republican members Dana Rohrabacher and Joe Wilson enthusiastically show their support for the imaginary idea after seeing a fake instructional video for weapons. Even Republican Senator Trent Lott, along with former MP and Armed Defender Joe Walsh, lent their support.

Those who were deceived in the episode had not seen it before the prime minister on Sunday and did not want to comment.

Only one of them Joe Walsh, responded and told CNN that his support was not sincere, but cheated to read words on a screen. Nevertheless, he did not seem particularly upset about his involvement.

– I will surely laugh at myself, he told CNN and added that he is a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen

– He's funny because he's the people said stupid things, he said.

The provocative series was noted when Sacha Baron Cohen was excommunicated by former Tea Party leader Sarah Palin who was fooled to interview what she thought was an American veteran. DN reported earlier.

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