Sacha Baron Cohen creates a debate with the television series Who Is America


We saw Sacha Baron Cohen when in roles like Borat and Brüno, he ridiculed both American people and American politicians. Now, the British actor is back in the new television series "Who Is America". In the television series, we see Sacha Baron Cohen as four new characters, both of which elicit both frightening and funny comments from American politicians and high profile figures in the United States.

In the first section, we can see, among other things, Sacha Baron Cohen discuss the topic of school changes. And the comments he receives, Philip Van Cleave the chairman of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, are really scary.

– In America, there was a lot of shooting in schools. What do liberals say is the cause and the solution for this? Ask Sacha Baron Cohen, Van Cleave in the first episode of Who Is America.

– They take to arms, replies Van Cleave.

Baron Cohen continues to raise an unethical and scary response from Van Cleave by making false statements about schools in Israel.

– In Israel, we allow children from three to sixteen to work with weapons.

And Van Cleave, who argues about Cohen's alleged claim, contends that the Virignia Citizen Defense League organization has attempted to obtain a similar solution in the United States.

– I think it would be a good idea. We tried to get it in the United States, but we did not really get an answer, we even thought about children going from seventh to eighth grade.

The first episode of Who Is America also triggered reactions to social media. The director of the American program Jimmy Kimmel praises the television series

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Jimmy Kimmel celebrated the new television series Who is America Source of the image: Twitter [19659012] In the series, we will also see American politicians as Sarah Pallin It remains to be seen what Sacha Baron Cohen is hiding for discussion.

The series is presented on American TV

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