Sacha Baron Cohen gives Sarah Palin an answer


After Sarah Palin's rape against British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, because of a satirical interview that he did to her, the comedy Borate now responds to the speech. In mid-July, Sacha Baron Cohen was created for his new satirical program Who Is America, the program is a comedy and intends to deepen within the states' political elite. United States, with Trump in the foreground. Letter, published on Twitter where in his latest character, Billy Wayne Ruddik Jr., titled National Journalist, responds to the speech and apologizes for Palin.

He claims to have never said that he He was a veteran of the war, without it being anything that the former governor himself assumed, and continues to give a booth to the Trump President

"I've always admired you for telling the truth about Obama's birth certificate.But Miss, I think you've been hit by a terrifying grenade, and now you're bleeding FAKE NEWS , "Cohen writes in the letter.

The expedition is signed his new alterego. The series has the first Swedish on July 15th.

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