Sacha Baron Cohen wakes Sarah Palin angry


"Yes, we were cheated, you got me Sacha, do you feel better now?" Wrote the former vice presidential candidate on Sarah Palin on her blog shortly after the release from the trailer of the new comic series.

For the new series which, according to the television network Showtime, "explores a broad spectrum by individuals, from the infamous to the unknown, in politics and culture," the Republican politician – according to he – was tricked into the interview, reports Vulture . With a military veteran wheelchair as captain. What she thought was a "reflexive discussion" probably emerged on the contrary:

"Lack of respect for our military and against the American middle class, through Cohen's comments disguised as questions of". interview, was perverse, "she writes: 19659006]" Finally I had enough and literally took the mic and left the room. "For Cohen's awakening".

Wants to put the political cream

The British comedian, based on movies like Ali G and Borat, also suggested that US President Donald Trump could also go on moppo in the new series. Perhaps surprisingly, when it's about a comedian who has made a name of cheating celebrities as well as politicians through absurdly disguised interviews. And now he is completely aligned with the cream of the United States Republicans.

In the trailer of Who is America, which is premiered on July 15 in Sweden, a happy smile also appears Dick Cheney, former vice president of George W Bush, signs what looks like a trouble-free tool # 39; water.

By Showtime itself, the series is described as "the most dangerous television series in the world". S? He manages to keep just this rigor remains to be seen.

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