Saga Becker believes in the power of the word – Culture & Fun


The first time Saga Becker was on stage in front of a large audience, she was at Golden Baggegal 2015, when she received the Golden Bagge for Best Woman.

Since then she has been on stage several times, but never has the audience been as great as the one she will meet at the inauguration of Europride, a title that festivals Stockholm Pride and Gothenburg Pride share this year

Do not think standing

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As a conference at the opening of Europride, Saga Becker is able to go on stage and speak to an audience of several thousand people

I will have cards that I will follow but if I feel good, "Saga Becker

The mission as a conference means that she must speak to a wide audience. And she thinks this opportunity. As an activist, lecturer and successor of the summer, Saga Becker knows that words can have an influence.

I am not a fan, I will stay there when I have the chance to say something to thousands of people a month before the elections. a lot about the parliamentary elections of autumn and the consequences of the election results for the Swedish people Hbtq.

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Saga Becker played the role of actor in the movie "Something Must Break" (2014), but now writes on the writing

Many within the Hbtq movement take our rights as given and eternal, but we have them now which means we will always have them. You just have to look up and see what is happening in other countries to remember.

Betting on the Writing

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The consequences of the Riksdag election relate to Saga Becker, who believes that many view the rights of the HGBQ as given and eternal.

Saga Becker acted as an actor but now focuses on the writing. We have long heard of a first novel, but writing a book is not an easy thing.

I write at my own pace and I feel no stress at having to finish the book, it can take time

] Readers are allowed to resist the first novel, but an excerpt from Saga Becker's prose is already read in the anthology "Hetare."

"Heter" is a collection of erotic novels written in a queret perspective and can be seen as an independent follow-up of the anthology "Het" (2013)

Some of the authors involved consider me to be the best from Sweden, so it 's great to be in the same book.

Among the authors, we can mention Eli Levén whose first novel became a film with Saga Becker in the lead role, a role that gave him a Goldbag.

"Brain for the Brain"

The lyrics in "Heter" are about pirate love as well as hard passion. The contribution of Saga Becker "Slaughter" belongs to this last category.

"Slaughter" is a suggestive text about a couple in love, separated behind a lock and a bomb, there are guards and walls, but we can not say exactly where they are.

I wanted to start in a feeling rather than an event and write the story based on that feeling.

Erotic literature, normative as well as queer, has taken a real upsurge in recent years, takes place and finds readers. It's porn for the brain. You get involved in what is happening in a completely different way than watching erotic movies or erotic images.

Writing eroticism, Saga Becker continues, is a way to satisfy sexual fantasies for her, but without having to take the plunge

Sexual fantasies are usually just fantasies, most would never want to live them in reality, at least not me.

No typical model

In addition to a novel, Saga Becker also writes on an autobiographical monologue. The idea is to explore the form of the monologue and push the boundaries.

I will not save my mind if I thought my summer rate was over, that 's nothing compared to the monologue.

With his 2015 Summer Rally, Saga Becker

Being a model can be very scary and limited, but I manage because I'm not a typical model.

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