Såhär ser hubvärlden i Shadow of Tomb Raider ut


Innate Strax E3 fick vi provspela Tomb Raider's shadow och granska den gömda staden Paititi (man and woman), naked man Square Enix och Eidos Montreal bestseller for the rest of the album timer video gnr nude igenom allt of behöver veta. "Paititi is the biggest center ever created in a Tomb Raider game, offering a new social space full of adventure and possibilities. Players can dive into a lively economy to barter new outfits and weapons, interact with and learn from the locals to accomplish side missions, hunt and harvest valuable resources, and of course discover hidden crypts and challenge tombs.Paititi will keep players exploring and challenging for hours. "

Shadow of the Tomb Raider slapps redan den 14 September from the date of publication två månader kvar. See more details about this game.

  Shadow of the Tomb Raider

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