It was at a development conference in San Francisco, United States, that Justin Denison, of the US device, introduced the product.
With a 7.3-inch screen, it's like a small tablet, but folded in the center, it looks like a thick mobile phone.
"It's been years since we've been waiting for a mobile folding screen from one of the major players, so it's a big problem," said Bob O Donnell, a TT analyst.

He thinks that many users are interested in a larger screen mobile phone, but still stay in the pocket.
"But it looked thick, so Samsung must clearly strive to slim it down.Some will see it as a gadget, but I think it's a revelation," he says. .
SmartPhone industry has not offered particularly spectacular news in recent years, but rather has improved the existing technology.
"So people are looking for something radically different, which is radically different," said O Donnell.
O & # 39; Donnell believes that the card features, video and games will be significantly improved.
"If it means only a bigger screen, it's good, but if you do something smart with that, it can mean a great improvement.
Samsung has shown its prototype, as suggested over a long period of time, just days after the small Chinese operator Royale presented his foldable mobile phone, which would be the first of his host.

"It's a small actor, and Samsung has the expertise to build it in large quantities – and that's the key," said O Donnell.
Samsung, who is fighting for Apple In the segment says premium smart mobile phones, and against the Chinese pickups among the cheap models, one of the best sellers has to cover a loss of profit on the mobile device of the company. Samsung says the system should be ready for mass production in the coming months.
O Donnell does not believe that the flexible mobile phone is in the short term of major importance to the South Korean giant. The price to pay will probably be expensive, O Donnell would not be surprised if it costs $ 2,000, or $ 18,000. It's rather a product that makes the brand a little brighter.
Samsung has the advantage of its title, which can last several years.
– This is only the first of many others, I think. Only around 2020, pricing will be more universal and sales will accelerate, which can be of great importance in the long term.
Learn more: Samsung challenges Apple with new mobile folding screen
Learn more: Spotify and Samsung start collaboration
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