Samsung presented the next step for Bixby


He went on stage at 7 pm and mainly explained how, with important technical preconditions, he is well placed to create connected life. With AI, 5G and a lot of connected gadgets, the ecosystem is indispensable. The next challenge, according to DJ Koh, is to actually use it for the areas that make the difference for end customers.

Central to the future

In the center, this has become obvious, because Samsung's vision is the BIxby voice assistant. Now, however, Samsung is clear that Bixby is going to be more than just a voice assistant. Instead, it collects all of Samsung's artificial intelligence bets and is a scalable platform for artificial intelligence.

In the future, Bixby will have many more units, now available in five additional languages, in addition to Korean and English (not yet Swedish), and will also be open to developers who, according to Samsung, will have access to the tools used by Samsung.

Take place in several units

Samsung sells 500 million units each year and Bixby will also be available in Samsung's vision on refrigerators, TVs, speakers and tablets. Bixby will also use many more third-party products from other manufacturers. That makes Bixby in a few years, according to Dag Kittlaus, CEO of Viv, a billion units. Viv is the company that Samsung bought and which became the foundation of Bixby.

Not too late

On stage, Dag Kittlaus fired the asylum seeker because of late delays from Samsung and Bixby, hinting that Amazon or Google would have an unintelligible length of advance. Instead, he said that the person who is interested in voice tools is right to start right now.

– Everyone may not remember, but when Google launched its search engine, 14 search engines were already in place. Whoever enters the voting market today is likely to take a long time and succeed, he said.

He sees the smart assistant market today as a simple tool that can become an integral and essential part of our daily lives. We've also heard a lot about IOT and Samsung Smartthings and the possibilities for developers to reach users with their services and gadgets online.

Galaxy Home connects to Spotify

As an example, it has been demonstrated how the Samsung Galaxy Home smart speaker can be tuned and controlled with the help of voice. For example, you can make voice calls if the speaker is connected to a Samsung phone, listen to Spotify, and developers can develop services that add features to Galaxy Home because the speaker needs to be part of the phone. 39 ecosystem that developers have access to in the Bixby development tool. .

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