Saudi Arabia. Khashoggi assassinated at consulate – News –


According to the data, the preliminary results of the investigation conducted by Saudi Arabia show that he was killed after a fight that broke out with people encountered on the spot.

"The investigation is continuing and 18 Saudi citizens have been arrested," said a statement from Saudi prosecutors.

Khashoggi went to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, on October 2, to obtain the necessary documents for his marriage. He never came out of the building.

Earlier, Saudi Arabia had stated that Khashoggi had left the consulate himself after completing his demarches.

"Standing Orders"

A person from the Saudi investigation reported to Reuters that there was no order to kill or abduct Khashoggi, but that the intelligence services ordered the order to bring home critics to Saudi Arabia.

A general who worked with Khashoggi in London was elected for the mission "interpreted aggressively", according to an anonymous source, according to which Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman did not know it.

According to the source, the consulate driver would be one of the people who would have left Khashoggi's body to a "local partner".

To be fired

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has decided to reorganize the intelligence services under the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Among other things, the regulations must be updated, the powers of the intelligence service determined and the methods evaluated, according to the state news agency. Saudi Arabia also announces the dismissal of an intelligence official.

"Ahmad al-Assiri, deputy director of intelligence services, is fired from his mail," a Saudi government media source quoted a royal decree as saying.

A committee composed of the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Head of Intelligence Services and the Head of Internal Security will be formed under the leadership of the Crown Prince. The new committee will report to King Salman within one month.

"Full cooperation"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Saudi King of Saudi Arabia, King Salman, agreed to continue the investigation into what happened to Jamal Khashoggi, announcing the Turkish presidential office through telephone conversations.

Both "stress the importance of continuing to work together in full cooperation," according to a Turkish source, in transparency, and exchanged information on the country's investigations in the case.

On Friday, Turkish prosecutors hired Turkish workers at the consulate of Saudi Arabia.

Police officers collected DNA samples at the consulate and at the consulate's residence, and a forest area near Istanbul was searched for in trace amounts.

The Turkish Foreign Minister on Friday denied reports that the country allegedly shared an alleged sound recording of the alleged murder in the United States.

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