Saudi Police: The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi has been rendered


The Saudi leader of the Saudi press in the case of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi said Thursday in the Saudi television channel al-Ekhbariya that the killing had been made.

It was the first time A representative of the country joined the image given by Turkey. The preliminary investigation relies on information provided by a joint Saudi-Saudi investigation team.

Earlier, Saudi Arabia had claimed that Khashoggi was accidentally killed at the Istanbul consulate on October 2. Above all, the Saudis first denied the death of Khashoggi.

The Riyadh version, however, is that the murder was planned and committed by Saudi agents acting on their own. Turkey does not believe this explanation, but urges the Saudi people to look for the culprits "from top to bottom".

Read more: Crown Prince of Khashoggi: "An abominable crime

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan In a speech to Parliament on Tuesday, he explained how confused the Turkish police and intelligence services were after the incident, including mapping 15 dozens of intelligence agents in Istanbul and concluding that There was a "brutal murder" planned.

The fact that Erdogan has focused on good relations with Saudi King Salman, but avoided mentioning the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been interpreted as meaning Erdogan indirectly implies that the responsibility lies with the latter.

Mohammed bin Salman himself declared Wednesday in his first comment on the case that the killers would be put to the test.

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Two sources of Reuters Gina Haspel, head of the US intelligence agency CIA, was informed of the murder during her visit to Istanbul earlier this week.

Neither the CIA nor the Turkish intelligence services wanted to comment on the case.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mesüt Cavusoglu said Thursday that Turkey had shared information with "some parties who had requested additional information".

Read more: Trump about the Khashoggi fall: the worst darkening of history

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