Sävehof's victory spreads to Skövde | Gothenburg after


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Skövde performed much better than at the start of the season. In the first ten games, the team won seven. They are taboo awake with that.

The most recent victory was won against Sävehof on Thursday night. The match is over 32-28.

Their defense game was good. They bothered us and we made bad mistakes, says Oskar Sunnefeldt of Sävehof.

He scored five goals for his team, William Bogojevic, seven. That helped no point.

"The framework we can bring with us"

Skövde immediately took control of the event. The team led 16-12 at the break and imposed 32-28 at the end.

– We had a half-start. We fought. And that's the frame we can take with us, says Oskar Sunnefeldt

What makes Skövde so good this year? defense game?

"They also took a few players and they have a new coach.It's basically a new team.They are good and are at the top of the table.

With the defeat, Sävehof's sequel beat two consecutive victories. Alingsås is waiting for the next round.

"I think it was good for us, we wandered against Malmö, who is reputed to be a very good team and who participated in the SM final last year." It was a good counter. we have to play more evenly for a while, but that's coming, we're a young team.

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