Scott Pruitt, Trump's scandalous environmental director, resigns – wasteful of taxpayers' money | foreign


The head of the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA, Scott Pruitt, resigned. Environmental director Scott Pruitt seems to have pleased Trump to repeal environmental protection regulations, but he has been criticized for wasting taxpayers, fleeing expensive first-time trips class, costly security measures and

He has several times denied having done anything wrong

– I have accepted Scott Pruit's resignation request from the position of chief of the EPA. Scott did a great job within the authority and I will always be grateful for that, writes Trump on Twitter.

According to Trump, Andrew Wheeler will now act as deputy director of the environment of authority.

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– I have no doubt that Andy will continue with our fine and long-term plans for the EPA. We have made great progress and the future of the EPA looks very promising!

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Many US media, including the New York Times, speculated that Pruitt was the person who heavily influenced Trump's decision to withdraw the United States of Paris agreement despite warnings from other advisers who feared the consequences of this decision on foreign policy.

Democrats and Republicans demanded that Pruitt leave while activists raised the votes and asserted that Pruitt's EPA decision had negative effects on the environment.

Sources: Reuters, Bloomberg, Politico

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