SD goes to large party groups in the European Parliament


The Swedish Democrats and Reformists (ECR) today adopted two new members, Peter Lundgren

The Swedish Democrats join the third largest party of the European Parliament, the Conservative Reformers, including the British and Polish Government.

and Kristina Winberg Swedish Democrats.

The press release reads:

The deputies of the ECR Group have decided to approve the application for membership of the Swedish Democrats. ECR Vice-President Ryszard Legutko said:

– As Swedish Democrats become a dominant party in Sweden, we welcome their decision to support the ECR Group's program for meaningful and sustainable reform of the ECR Group. 39; EU.

At the same time, Jimmie Åkesson says in his own comment:

– This message is, of course, very nice. This means, first and foremost, a deepening of cooperation with our Nordic brother parties and a greater influence for us in the European Parliament, but it also means that we have new and valuable contacts with several European political parties and broaden our contact areas against the sphere conservative in the United States.

Conservative Party, United Kingdom (Government Party): 18 Members
Law and Justice, PiS, Poland (Government Party): 15 Members
[19459009] ECR
Conservative Party, United Kingdom] Independent, Poland: 4 deputies
Liberal conservative reformists, Germany: 5 deputies [1945-19006] Free voters, Germany: 1 member
New Flemish alliance, Netherlands: 4 deputies
Christian Union, The Netherlands: 1 member
Reformed Political Party, Netherlands: 1 member
Danish People's Party, Denmark: 3 members
Slovak Party r, Slovakia: 3 members
Sweden Democrats, Sweden: 2 deputies
Democratic Party civic, Czech Republic: 2 members (formed by Václav Klaus)
Finnish Finns: 2 members
Italy, Italy: 2
Bulgarian National Movement, Bulgaria: 1 member
Bulgaria, Bulgaria: 1 Member
Pa Croatian Conservative Party, Croatia: 1 member
Poles' Electoral Action in Lithuania, Lithuania: 1 Member
For Fatherland and Liberty, Latvia: 1 Member
M10, Romania: 1 Member
Solidarity Movement , Cyprus: 1 Member
Ulster Unionist Party, United Kingdom: 1 Member
Independent, Greece: 1 member
Independent: Ireland: 1 member

Party of Politicians in the European Parliament
European People's Party, EPP (M and KD): 217 Members
Socialists and Democrats, S & D 189 Members
European Co-conservatives and Reformists, ECR (SD): 76 members
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, ALDE (C and L): 68 MEPs
European United Left Nordic Green Left, GUE-NGL (V): 52 Members
The Greens – European Free Alliance, Greens-ALE (MP ): 51 Members
Other / Independents: 98 Members

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