Secretary General Håkan Sjöstrand from Zlatan Ibrahimovic


Secretary General Håkan Sjöstrand on statements by Ibrahimovic

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 37, organized the world championships live for commercial purposes.

SvFF General Secretary Håkan Sjöstrand said that "this debate has become major".

"I still think that there will be a lot of attention around Zlatan," he says.

Last year, the debate on Zlatan Ibrahimovics was or failed to be part of the world championship group in Russia.

The attacker encouraged himself to speculate through various advertising collaborations and in interviews in which he used expressions such as "I do not close any door".

But in the end, it was no longer a world championship and Ibrahimovic admitted this week that it was a bluff.

– What people do not know … I was arrested in the national team. Very clear. I have received the call of the federation, to which they can answer. That was when qualifying for the World Cup, not when they qualified. During the first call, I replied, "I stopped, I do not have the slightest thought in my head to come back," Zlatan said in an interview with TV4.

"It was fun because I kept it alive, but my answer to the first call was no.

"Will always be very close to Zlatan"

When Sportbladet questions Secretary General Håkan Sjöstrand about the conversations, he refers to Land Rover Lars Richt, who had left the post after the World Cup in Russia.

1 out of 2 | Photo: CARL SANDIN / BILDBYRÅN

According to you, did Zlatan use the World Cup for public relations purposes?

"It has become a major debate, especially in the media, and Sjöstrand has talked a lot about advertisements.

– But what happened happened next. I still think that there will be a lot of attention around Zlatan. Then, it seems.

On November 12, the football gala awaits us. Zlatan Ibrahimovic was not present last year, but will be up at Globen on Monday.

"What he did and what he meant for Swedish football is difficult to express." Håkan Sjöstrand thinks we should all enjoy watching as we learn to know it one way or the other. of another.

"So we are very happy to see our greatest player going through the Football Gala, and we appreciate very much that he wants to come.

Sweden's games in the League of Nations 0:12

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