Security Council agrees on North Korea – News


In addition to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Wha also attended the meeting.

Sweden, chaired by the UN Security Council in July, was represented by Cabinet Secretary Annika Söder. According to her, there is a broad consensus among the members of the Security Council on the continuation of sanctions against North Korea.

It is very important to maintain the whole group to make it useful throughout the region – especially when China and Russia have their interests, says Söder


Pompeo pointed out the importance of sanctions even at a press conference at the end of the meeting. According to him, sanctions are "decisive" for disarmament to be eliminated.

Kim promised to calm down, and now we must see that he is doing what he has promised the world, said Pompeo, adding that North Koreans must also stop.

According to UN ambassador Nikki Haley, however, the members were not completely united – Haley said "China should put pressure on China" for countries to impose new sanctions. [19659000] Kvarlevor

In addition to disarmament, in principle, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and US President Donald Trump also agreed that US soldiers returned to the 1950-53 Korean War should be fired.

Two working groups, but Pompeo did not provide details on how the work is going on, "Söder said, with the aim of showing the unity and importance of the Security Council in the matter.Now the effort is made to try to concretize the commitment to the highest level, more than what Pompeo said, "she said.

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