Sentenced for Sadistic Violence against Children – Appeals – News


It is in early July that the man and the woman have been convicted of long prison terms for serious rape on children and on brothels of child pornography . The rape lasted for several years – from the age of ten years up to the age of 14 years. The Utdevalla District Court ruled that the assault was "degrading and contained sadistic elements".

The convicted man came into contact with the girl his school. The man also had a relationship with the convicted woman and they later became family relatives for the girl. In the end, the girl wanted the place to end and told her about the abuse of a close relative.

The woman and the man recognized some of the acts of the district court but denied many of the abuses of which they were found guilty. The testimony of the girl, the photos of the girl sent between the husband and wife, and the text of what they wanted to do with it were part of the evidence.

Prosecutors and lawyers have now appealed the verdict

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