Sergei Skripal identified poison – according to sources


The ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were poisoned in the British Salisbury early in the year

According to sources from the British press agency PA, the police identified the suspects with the help of surveillance films. Investigators are confident that the suspects are Russians, says PA source

It is early March that Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were seriously injured on a Salisbury bench , in England.

Both had been exposed to Novitjok's nitrogen and had been hospitalized for a long time

. Russia has been accused of being behind the assassination attempt, which has led to the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from Western countries. Moscow denied the accusations and reacted with the expulsion of Western diplomats.

Police now believe that suspects have identified suspects, source sources of the British news agency PA.

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Julia Skripal and her father, Sergeant Skripal's double agent

"Make sure there are Russians"

According to the source, several Russian citizens will be involved in the assassination attempt and, according to the report, More than one suspect

– Investigators believe they identified suspected perpetrators by surveillance cameras and cooperated with the records of people who entered into the country at that time. Investigators are confident that the suspects are Russians, says PA source

The information will come shortly after two other people came into contact with the Novitjok nerve

Probably found in a bottle of perfume

the police at a homeless hostel in Amesbudy near Salisbury in England.

Dawn Sturgess, 44, and her partner Charlie Rowley, 45, were found. The two had probably been subjected to the same nervousness as Sergey Skripal and Julia.

Dawn Sturgess died while Charlie Rowley was being treated for life-threatening injuries

Police investigators worked on the fact that the suspicious nerve was found in a perfume bottle thrown into a trash can and sprayed [19659005]. for more than 10 times more nerves than Skripal's father and daughter came in contact with.

Russia denies the interference

The police have already stated that the Scripal case and the latest neurotoxicity attack were not clear at the moment, but to search for s & # 39; there is a link between the events.

seized in one of the cases. Russia also denies any interference in both cases.

Three News – July 19 00:29

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