Serious air accident at Wonderboom in South Africa


At least one person died and 20 people were injured after the crash of an aircraft in South Africa.

– We have victims of all kinds of minor to serious injuries right now, says Russell Meiring, presidential spokesman for the ER24 medical service.

The accident occurred at 4:30 pm local time near the capital Pretoria, writes AFP.

– ER24's health services and other services are at the scene of the Wonderboom accident in Pretoria, said Russell Meiring, ER24 spokesman, at the news agency

injured victims with everything from mild to severe injuries at this time, no deaths confirmed.

The smoke from the aircraft wreckage is far from the eye.

– There is smoke everywhere and health professionals are in place. They will update the number of wounded, "said police chief Isaac Mahamba to Enca television channel

The images from the scene show how the plane is in different parts

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