Several killed in an attack on a convoy in Pakistan


According to AFP, Raisani was killed in the attack. He appealed for a position in local politics in Baluchistan province for the Balochistan Awami Party Party (BAP).

This is Friday's second violent attack. Earlier in the day, four people were killed in a bombing in the city of Bannu when the convoy of politician Akram Khan Durrani was attacked.

Another person who died two days ago in Peshawar. A suicide bomber unleashed a political meeting and killed 20 people. Those killed include Haroon Bilour, the main candidate of the Awami National Party

. Tensions rose in Pakistan ahead of the July 25 elections, all the while making it clear that former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was to return to jail. He has been accused of electoral fraud, claiming that some parts of the military are trying to prevent his Muslim League party (PML) from being elected for a new term.

Sharif was forced to resign last summer in light of the corruption charges in the Panamanian documents. He was sentenced last week to corruption.

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