Sigalet away from the games – quit for personal reasons | Gothenburg after


He is in his third season with the Frölunda Indians and has been rewarded this season as an assistant captain. During the season, the defensive back has produced five (3 + 2) points in twelve games.

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But now, Frölunda is in a position to lose control when he returns to Canada indefinitely for personal reasons.

– There is nothing more to add. I do not know how long it loses itself, says Roger Rönnberg.

Jonathan Sigalet sits in the plane to return to Canada on Friday morning.

– We really do not have much to say. We let him do this and this is no stranger to that. We will have a little day by day and we have no schedule, but we are talking to him, "said sports director Fredrik Sjöström.

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"We'll look at this a little bit and see how long it's left before we do something, we're not there yet, but if there is an absence over time, we may be able to But that's not what we're planning for now, but we'll take it a little bit every day, "he continues.

"We have guys ready for J20 and we do not plan to take someone now.

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