"Simple explanation that they did not find it"


Kristofer Kastellanos, suspected of murder, escaped from a prison vehicle just outside Laxå almost two weeks ago. Police searched for about 30 hours in a large area around Bäckedalen, the place where Kastellanoss managed to infect prison transport. But without result.

Police professor Leif GW Persson does not believe that Kastellanoss is particularly dangerous. Instead, "GW" is worried about what could have happened to the space.

– All people can be dangerous in a crowd state. But I do not think you should worry about it. It's like I said, and I'm amazed that there are no killers in the moonlight. It's a person who does not want to go on the pitch, says Leif GW Persson in News Morning and continues:

– But it's mysterious that he has managed to stay away for so long. I'm almost a little worried about him.

Are you worried about him?

– Yes, he had something wrong. It is the simple explanation that they did not find it.

By this, the police professor thinks that Kastellanoss may have been injured during his escape from the police.

– I am surprised, therefore. In the worst case, it is the case that he is always there and something happens. Slow his head in a rock or dronk, he says, and continues:

– You have indeed traced dogs, and you have certainly been extremely careful and knocked at every door where people live. However, it has been hugely hot, so it's not easy for guys to find traces.

Police have already published an international investigation concerning Kastellanoss. The police also put his group specialized in tracking and finding people in search of lost goals. Fast, find Kastellanoss.

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