Singing on Skansen becomes dangerous next to the parody


The success of last week, no, there was no one who thought it would be repeated. Sage of the editorial campaign singing not to try something like that.

It must have been the children's night instead. Young artists, children's guitar such as "Sjorövar-Fabbe" and "Yeah Yeah Wow Wow" and "Aaah Bapbap Bapbap Ba Bap."

Everyone was allowed to play.

Polish Popman Margaret, in printprint and with two sneakers, drew her song Mello "In my cabin". No complicated text, no

Little Al Fadji, comedian known for Radio P3, had a lesson of melodic origin. Not so funny, maybe a little boy.

Avantgardet, Nybro rock band, burned two songs at a furious pace. The best was "Sheepskins", where the singer offered a plethora of over-energy. Strong effort of a man with such a bad condition.

And in the middle of all an elegant opera sung Sibelius's novel. Dangerously close to parody, especially in this childish context. But she was joking a bit too

This was not just a program for the large mature crowd, which is faithful "All song on Skansen". No star announced in advance, so you could expect a surprise like last week.

But viewers were content with a high pace when Sanna Nielsen heaped songs, most singing. Not bad.

Great finale with children's squid, Markoolio, which pumped greater success and just filled with young rebels, effects and more and more fireworks

Finally Skansen was still a child. "Hey Babériba".


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