So many things, Google's app licenses will cost in EU countries


Google announced last week that it was going to start charging license fees to mobile phone manufacturers wanting to install business applications on their Android devices. The set responds to the EU's $ 40 billion record fines imposed on Google, which claims to have leveraged its dominant position with Android and forced automakers to use many of their own apps. Google has said that you will appeal the decision, but you must do everything in your power to avoid further reprisals from the EU. And now, The Verge has found documents that show that it's expensive for manufacturers who want to use Google's Android apps on phones sold in the EU.

Pixel density recordings

That's it for the Google Playstore app on Google Maps, Google Drive, Gmail and other apps that many take now for granted on an Android phone. According to The Verge, the software package "Google Mobile Services" will cost a little differently depending on its mobile phone and the EU market where it will be sold. The most expensive are in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. If you sell a mobile phone in any territory and have a pixel density greater than 500dpi, the cost of the license will be $ 40, which equates to about $ 360 per phone. For devices with a dpi between 400 and 500, $ 20 will be reached, while the lower pixel density will be $ 10. The license fees will be introduced on February 1 of next year.

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