Söderlund and Dice Spears start Embark, want to play the game of the future


Patrick Söderlund, recently named CEO of EA and former CEO of Dice and Refraction, has launched a new game development company called Embark Studios. The company aims to create both a new game and a new game engine, based on the best of current technology.

"We want to push development and define the future of interactive entertainment," Söderlund told DI Digital. We will add 30 to 40% of our resources to the development of a platform.

Söderlund starts the company with a number of renowned former Dice employees, including Johan Andersson (one of the brains behind the Frostbite game engine), Stefan Strandberg (creative director of battlefieldgames), Robert Runesson (Artistic Director), Magnus Nordin (Director of Research and Technology) and Jenny Huldschiner (Director of Communications at EA and Dice). You will soon open an office in the old town of Stockholm.

As CEO of Dice, Söderlund was already at the time of Battlefield 1942. Further, he also headed for Codename Eagle Studio Refraction Games.

The Japanese / South Korean company Nexon has invested SEK 367 million in the company, acquiring 33% of the shares and will be the publisher of the game Embark. The fact that the company focuses on free gaming and mobile games (but also on PC games) may seem worrisome, but it remains to be seen.

Embarking starts literally from scratch, but Söderlund believes that the technical platform can be completed by 2020. The first game, built on current technology, is ready to appear in the next nine months.

Call Dice: At 2 pm today, you read the first notice of the call on Battlefield Vas he recounted the last days.

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