Sources Germany: Interior Minister Horst Seehofer plans to resign,


Information on Seehofer's next departure comes after a year when CSU made two bad choices. The first legislative elections of last year, which took place with the Christian Democracy Chancellor Angela Merkel, have only managed to win nearly 33% of the vote. Since the October national elections, when the CSU lost more than ten percentage points and reached 37.2%, a historically catastrophic result.

During his tenure in government Seehofer has repeatedly encountered conflict with Merkel, not always about the migration policy, which according to the leader of the CSU has been too free. This summer, he emerged from a government crisis after threatening to direct refugees and migrants to the German border. The crisis culminated in a compromise, but the Social Democrats coalition party spoke of the destabilizing impact of the 69-year-old Bavarian government on government cooperation.

Seehofer denied until last week his intention to resign from his post of CSU leader.

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