Spira-noise: "It's like talking with a goose"


Jönköpings Posten reports that the meeting lasted more than an hour and a half. But the meetings should not have been easy, "said Anders Filén, a Syms negotiator.

"We have not been able to find a solution, but we are now going to call a central bargaining.That's what we need to do to then go to the Labor Court," Filen told JP .se.

The noise began with an event where a Spira musician and a chef had an incident. The region claims that the boss has been subjected to violence, the union says that the musician has put his hand on the shoulders of the boss. The musician has since been fired.

"We still disagree with the decision, the union does not share the meaning of the dismissal," said Joakim Silva, director of human resources in the region.

– I can only say that we have completely different images of what happened. It remains, I do not want to comment anymore, "says Silva.

"Like talking with a goose"

The union is determined to bring the case to the labor court if necessary. But this did not produce any results.

"It's a bit like talking to a goose, it's running away, they say it's not so dangerous that it's nothing like a goose," says Anders Filen. .

Nothing can happen in a central negotiation, this should not be ruled out, but for the moment, the region feels incredibly stuck. No understanding, no will, it will continue to jp.se.

Related: Silent demonstration for a licensed musician
Related: After the conflict – dismissal of employees
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