SSU-Falang engaged in a mosque that made homophobic statements


SSU is a nursery that has trained social democratic leaders such as Ingvar Carlsson, Anna Lindh, Anders Ygeman and Ardalan Shekarabi. The politicians who participated in the formation of the party in modern times.

As a result, many began to respond internally to the development of SSU Skåne, the third largest district in the country. According to critics, SSU's S development direction has been closed since fallout that does not share party ideology.

# Rizwan Elahi, former president and eleventh in the riksdag, represents a mosque that made homophobic statements.

Vice President Khloe Abdel Wahab, according to his own report, works at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is in practice ruled by a military dictatorship.

# Omar Al-Ganas, president of the Hässleholm club, was recently forced to resign because of anti-Semitic statements in social media. He chose to stay on the city council.

Mosque with S-links: "Pigs are homosexuals"

Several members of SSU Skåne and southern politicians are part of the Ahmadiyyar movement, whose mosque in Malmö has been controversial since the homophobic statements of the Imam.

Rizwan Elahi, number 11 of the Riksdag, represented the movement while presiding over SSU Skåne.

The mosque's movement was noticed when Imam told a fifth-grade student to visit homosexual pigs and that one who does not pray five times a day is punished by God, as reported. Southern Sweden.

In a speech to members of the Ahmadiyyar Movement, Skane's SSU President, Rizwan Elahi, said that Islam was a cure for the diseases of humanity and that atheism was an immoral idea.

Photo: Youtube

According to the church, religion and the state should be separated.

But in a speech to members of the movement, Rizwan Elahi called atheism an immoral idea.

"Islam is the universal resource for all the suffering, diseases and problems of humanity today," said Rizwan Elahi to the crowd when he said the " tabligh ", the diffusion of Islamic doctrine, is obligatory.

– When the immoral idea of ​​atheism is established, we must explain why we must find our creator. We must also dare to do this with enormous conviction.

S-falang chose not to go to Pride

According to critics, many people in the crowd have opinions that do not coincide with what the party and the union convey from outside.

"It's quiet, because it's a power base," says one person.

Falangen has, among other things, a "very dubious attitude towards pride," according to people in transparency.

Only 5 of the 30 members of the SSU Skåne delegation went to the Pride Parade in Stockholm, where the SSU summer camp was taking place. In the other district, all the members went to the parade. When we ask the Skåne Federation why, we will not get an answer.

Get out of the social democrats during the conversation

When the evening mail arrives at Rizwan Elahi, he says that it no longer belongs to the fake who took control of SSU Skåne and that he is now semi-active in S.

– Do not use my statements to crush S. There is nothing to gain, he says.

The statement of "the immoral idea of ​​atheism," according to Rizwan Elahi, is out of context.

"There are atheists who are extraordinary people, I have friends who are atheists, there are also Muslims, religious, who are terrible, an atheist can also develop moral principles.

During the conversation, Rizwan Elahi said that he had completely retired from the Social Democrats.

Former employee of S: "I felt threatened."

Carolina Pettersson worked as a District Secretary for SSU Skåne when the Falcon began to take over.

She recalls that the hawks came from the Rosengård SSU and that the aggressive methods used to seize power meant she was gone.

"At one point, three guys came to my office and tried to give me information about the list of mediators at the District Conference, information that they were not entitled to, I felt threatened. quickly became unpleasant.

She says that she understands why the hawk was so eager to take positions quickly.

"Much of what they said and defended was what had been unacceptable in a mixed board.

"The weakness of the trade union movement has made this possible"

SSU in Rosengård quickly mobilized many people. They gathered more than 40 people at the annual district conference, which brought together a total of one hundred people from all over the Skåne region.

"For a movement that loses members, it looks very beautiful and it is very attractive with groups that can mobilize a lot in areas where there has not been a large representation.

Carolina Pettersson says that a weakened trade union movement and a socialist organization have allowed people who do not share the ideology of the party to gain a lot of power.

– It's fair enough to try to include more. But then you have to keep your ideological values. It is important to understand that it is not clans, but ideological differences and a weak organization that allows this type of deviation.

Antisemitic statements

In mid-October, SSU and Hässleholm City Council member were forced to leave Omar Al-Ganas.

This was because he had previously expressed anti-Semitism, the degradation of women and violence on social media.

Despite the plot, he chose to remain in the general government as politically savage.

"I take full responsibility for what I did, but I do not think that the Hässleholm Social Democrats are doing well," he writes in a text message. in Kvällsposten.

SSU Skåne Vice President Khloe Abdel Wahab represented a military regime by doing an internship at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "I do not support the values ​​of the regime," she wrote in a text message.

Vice President did an internship with the military regime

In October 2017, Khloe Abdel Wahab, Vice President of SSU Skåne, wrote on Facebook that she was working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt.

Egypt is ruled by a military commander who came to power after undemocratic elections, so the EU and the Council of Europe did not see fit to send observers to the elections.

When a person asked Khloe Abdel Wahab what she was doing at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she replied: "business developments abroad":

"I'll stay here for a while but visit Sweden regularly :)!"

"It was an internship that lasted 4 months. I do not support the values ​​of the regime, "she answers in a text message.

Joakim Sandell, president of Malmö, did not know any of the tasks presently presented by Kvällsposten.


S about tasks: "Do not get trust award"

Joakim Sandell, president of S in Malmö, said that according to information revealed so far, Khloe Abdel Wahab is not relevant to the duties of the election committee.

– If you work in a foreign ministry, you must keep the same course of action as the state in which you work. The view of the Egyptian regime on human rights and democracy is incompatible with the Social Democrats, "said Joakim Sandell.

Joakim Sandell says that the conflict within SSU Skåne has been abusive and that many feel mistreated.

"Many people think that political opponents are in the same union rather than in other parties, and in any case, our candidates share the core values ​​of the party.

– You are allowed to have their religious beliefs and to be active in social democracy. We even have a union that organizes believers from different religious communities. But whoever represents the social democrats must never, with the support of religion, make the difference between peoples.

SSU Federal President Philip Botström said the information revealed to him may have been concealed.


President of the SSU: The information was kept secret

Philip Botström, Federal President of the SSU, told Elen Kardell of EXPRESS that there is no place in the Social Democrats for people who fight and act against the fundamental values ​​of the left.

According to Botström, there may be party companions who kept the data secret.

"If the members have crossed the border, the consequences will be clear and powerful," he said.

"If this information is correct, I guess some people do not want it to come to my attention.


Ahmadiyya is a Muslim reform movement founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in nineteenth century British India.

Ahmadis are discriminated against and persecuted in several Islamic countries where they are not accepted as Muslims because they are not considered legal.

The movement has about 1000 members in Sweden.

It is the oldest active Muslim assembly in Sweden, more than 60 years behind.

Members are expected to engage in society and integrate into the labor market.

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