Star star Stormy Daniels was arrested at the strip club


Stormy Daniels, or Stephanie Clifford, as she called him, appeared in a strip club in Columbus, Ohio, when police intervened

According to lawyer Michael Avenatti, she is suspected to have touched one of the guests. a non-sexual way "during the performance.

The lawyer argues that the intervention is laughable. Daniels has done the same show on nearly a hundred strip-tease clubs across the US, writes the lawyer who also insists that the police are trying to "put his" Daniel to political reasons.We fight against all alleged accusations. " writes Michael Avenatti on Twitter

READ MORE: The fantastic source of the man who will have threatened Stormy Daniels

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In two others, the l & # 39; lawyer writes: "Are you jumping with me, does the police have the resources to commit such offenses? "

Avenatti expects the client for a minor offense.

The Columbus police have not confirmed the appeal against Stormy Daniels, reports Fox News.

For having an agreement with Trump

Pornstar Stormy Daniels, 39, has become a well-known name even in politics, since she herself has spoken about a story of Love with Donald Trump. It will have occurred in 2006.

Trump denied this, but Daniels claims that she was paid to keep quiet about the love story when Trump campaigned to become president. She also claims to have been threatened by an unknown man in a parking lot

– Do not talk about Trump, solved the warning according to Daniels.

READ MORE: Trump breaks the silence of the porn star

Later, Stormy Daniels Trumps' attorney and arranger, Michael Cohen, voted to pay him 130,000 $ for silence. Now she wants to abolish the "promise of silence" and rapes the lawyer in court.

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