"Started much better than us"


2-2 against Helsingör and 6-1 against Halmstad. Just a new acquisition in place (goalkeeper Vicente Guaita), and a few stars that have left. Some talents have been tested at Team A level, including New Kirby who has received many accolades for his match against Helsingør. An economy that barely allows new acquisitions.

The presidential house of Crystal Palace in Sweden was summed up, with all the tribute that Roy Hodgson met. Hodgson had already said that if nothing happened in the last days, the training camp of a week in Sweden would have been very good. The only bad thing that happened was a blow on Christian Benteke, but that was also all that was negative after the 1-6 win over HBK.

– It was a very nice way to end the training week in Sweden, which was perfect for us. The trainings in Malmö were perfectly perfect, said Hodgson in Swedish after the HBK match

– It was a very good match on our side today too. We just have the kind of opponent we had planned. This flatters us that we won so big, Halmstad was still in the game, especially since they were starting to feel a lot better than us.

Hodgson pointed out that Crystal Palace was playing with his regular eleven, and that they had a total of two weeks of training while HBK only had three practice passes after their leave. He also held well enough to reach all of Sweden in 2019 with coach Igor Krulj at the helm.

– Halmstad Bollklubb has a team of what I have seen tonight, which can certainly bounce back to all Swedes as soon as possible.

– I hold my thumbs this will be the club's path this year. Public support is good, all around the club is really good, so it's just a bit of luck that Krulj needs.

– I will follow the results and hope to send a telegram in November to congratulate you all for the continuation of online games, and Krulj is welcome to us when he wants.

Crystal Palace, which was stationed in Malmö, returns to England in the morning when they have three practice games left before the start of the Premier League. At the press conference after the match, Hodgson did not want to pay any particular player for the game or the start of the pre-season. He rather praised the collective, and as for the tip of the team, he already said that they were looking for two to four new acquisitions.

However, despite all the millions of Premier League, the club has relatively little money for new acquisitions and seeks, among other things, the loan market. Despite the money crisis, Hodgson has been clear that they should not sell any of his stars, despite, among other things, the interest of Tottenham in Wilfried Zaha.

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