The gearbox interpretation of the Aliens horror film series in game form, Aliens: Colonial Marines were correctly covered for its myriad of deficiencies. The graphic presentation that not only worked badly but was far from what was shown before the launch led to the applications of the mood, and the amount of Youtube videos dedicated to AI sometimes hysterically bad is innumerable . It is simply very far from what the Creative Assembly has entered Alien: Isolation .
Just the stiff AI seems to be due in part to the spelling errors of the developers in the code. Modders who dug into the code have discovered that the word "tether" has been misspelled as "teather", with the result that the correct AI routines are not enabled. By correcting the misspelled word in the INI file of the PC version, the xenomorphs become immediately smarter, even if the game's AI will not surprise anyone after the fix is in place.
When the INI file has the correct spelling code, the creature's behavior improves, for example, improving it by hiding in the air drums, flanking the player and crawling instead to run on the hind legs. A warning should be issued to ensure that the game is not tragically entertaining when the fix is in place.
To test the fix itself, simply search for the PecanEngine.ini file in the game folder and look for the code "PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather." This is where "AttachPawnToTeather" will be changed to " AttachPawnToTether ".
Aliens: Colonial Marines is therefore the game that continues to give, but perhaps not as Sega and Gearbox had hoped. [19659006]
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