Stefan Löfven meets António Guterres at UN Headquarters – News (Ekot)


– We talked about conflicts around the world, Syria and Yemen. We talked about the situation of Rohingyans in Myanmar and Bangladesh, we also talked about the work of the UN to make it more effective, "says Stefan Löfven.

In July 1945, Sweden is the presidency of the United Nations Security Council. For a few days, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is in place in New York. He will lead an open discussion on one of Sweden's priority areas during the presidency: children in armed conflict. During today 's meeting with UN Secretary – General António Guterres, they mainly talked about the conflict in Syria and its impact on children.

– Unfortunately, the number of dead children increases in conflict, it is in the wrong direction. What is positive is that fewer child soldiers, as I understand it. But no matter, it is too many children who feel bad. According to Stefan Löfven, the risk is, of course, in a conflict like that of Syria, that a whole generation is affected, Stefan Löfven says that the UN must now start working around the guidelines you should have concerning children in conflict. On Monday, he will hold an open discussion in the Security Council on this topic. But he also says that international cooperation is currently more difficult than before, criticizing US foreign policy.

– Yes, it has become a little different, especially because the US is emphasizing the bilateral that only countries and more spontaneous cooperation should be. While we believe in multilateral and systematic cooperation, the climate is worse now. Unfortunately, the United States is so important in this respect, so if the United States really does not want it. According to Stefan Löfven, this is not what the world needs today, the world needs cooperation.

Today 's meeting discussed how the UN can be more effective and cooperate better.

Sweden will be a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2017 and 2018, and in July, Sweden is the second presidency. It is the second and last Swedish Presidency during the two years of Sweden's accession.

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